Books of Poetry:

“The Painful Adventures of Pericles” by Eric E. Hyett. Poetry trilogy (forthcoming, 2024— stay tuned!)

“Is It Poetry?” by Hirata Toshiko. Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow. (January, 2023, Deep Vellum Publishing, Dallas, TX). Winner of Sibley Prize from University of Chicago.

“Aporia” by Eric E. Hyett. (Lily Poetry Review Books, January, 2022). Read review by Richard Hoffman in Mom Egg Review.

“Sonic Peace” by Minashita Kiriu. Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow (Phoneme Media, 2017). Shortlisted for 2018 National Translation Award and 2018 Lucien Stryk Asian Translation Prize.

Poems Published (Selection):

“Threnody for Emily Dickinson” in Hanging Loose (Vol. 112, 2022)

“Regarding Sourdough” in Voices Amidst The Virus: Poets Respond To The Pandemic (Anthology edited by Eileen Cleary and Christine Jones, Lily Poetry Review Books, 2021)

“A Case of Autumn” in Common Ground Review (Fall/Winter 20.2)

“Alzheimer’s Winter” in What The Poem Knows: A Tribute To Barbara Helfgott Hyett (Festschrift edited by Wendy Drexler and Margot Wizansky, July, 2020)

“Canal du Midi” in The Worcester Review (2018 – Vol. 38)

“Grass In The Prison Yard,” “Probability,” “The High Road,” “MacMillan Wharf Provincetown” in Softblow Poetry Journal (Singapore, May, 2017)

“Case Closed” in J Journal, Department of English, John Jay College of Criminal Justice (Fall 2016 – Vol. 9, No. 2)

“Notes on Poem For My Brother" in Cleaver Magazine (March, 2016 - Issue 13)

“Fire Island,” “Rikers Island,” “One Fine Day,” “Satellite Photo of Hispaniola,” “Hong Kong In All Its Flowery Costumes” in New Madrid: Journal of Contemporary Literature (Winter, 2016) 

“Night Event” in Juked (#12, 2015)

“Full Emergency” in Harvard Review Online, (May 16, 2015)

“Breakfast with Edna St. Vincent Millay” in Barrow Street (Winter 2014-2015)

“Failure to Appear” in The Antioch Review (Summer 2014 – Vol. 72 No. 3)

“Hollywood” in Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review (Spring/Summer 2015 – No. 42)

“Tokyo Love Story” and “Rollerboarding Through The Old Airport in Hong Kong” in NIMROD International Journal (October, 2013)

“Like Leaves” in The Cincinnati Review, (Summer, 2012 – No. 9.1)

“All Rights Reserved” and “Snow Poem” in The Hudson Review (Summer 2011 – Volume LXIV No. 2)

“Rejected By ‘Off The Coast’ Magazine” in Off The Coast (March, 2010)

“Talking H.I.V.” in A&U (February, 2010)

“Praise Poem” and “Notes For Praise Poem” in The Coin Flip Shuffle (March, 2009)

“Garden” “Color Theory” “Hummingbirds” in Salamander (July, 1998)

Translated Contemporary Japanese Poems:

“Cruel Spring” by Minashita Kiriu, Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in Poetry Dispatch (Tokyo, Spring, 2021)

“Is It November?” and “Is It February Again?” by Hirata Toshiko, Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in Pendemics (Issue 2, Spring, 2021)

“Is It July?” and “Is It August?” by Hirata Toshiko, Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in The Georgia Review (February, 2021)

“Is It January?” and “Is It January Again?” by Hirata Toshiko, Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in Modern Poetry in Translation (2020 Number 1)

“Is It March Again?” “Is it May Again?” by Hirata Toshiko, Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in Granta (November, 2020)

“Is It October?” by Hirata Toshiko, Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in World Literature Today (Autumn, 2020)

“Is It February?” “Is It March?” “Is It November Again?” “Is It December Again?” by Hirata Toshiko, Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in Transference, Western Michigan University (Summer, 2020)

“Is it September Again?” “Is It July Again?” “Is It June?” “Is It April?” “Is it August Again?” and “Is it October Again?” by Hirata Toshiko, Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in Tokyo Poetry Journal (Summer, 2020)

“Rhythm,” “Festival of Water,” “Humid in Tokyo” by Minashita Kiriu, Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in World Literature Today, (March, 2017)

“Life History,” “Lightbulb Bodies,” “Coelacanth Weather,” “Intermezzo,” “The Name” by Minashita Kiriu, Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in The Cincinnati Review, (July, 2015)


“Translating Toshiko Hirata’s Ars Poetica” essay by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in World Literature Today (Autumn, 2020)

“Afterword to ‘Sonic Peace’” essay by Minashita Kiriu, Translated from the Japanese by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in World Literature Today, (March, 2017)

“Regarding ‘Case Closed’” essay by Eric E. Hyett in J Journal Writers On Writing (Fall, 2016)

“Translating Kiriu Minashita” essay by Eric E. Hyett and Spencer Thurlow, in Cincinnati Review (July, 2015)

Book Reviews for Lily Poetry Review:

“To Sleep With Bears” poems by Steve Nickman, review by Eric E. Hyett in Lily Poetry Review

“Unholy Heart” poems by Grace Bauer, review by Eric E. Hyett in Lily Poetry Review (Issue 4: Summer, 2021)

“New Found Land” poems by Carol Hobbs, review by Eric E. Hyett in Lily Poetry Review (Issue 2: Summer, 2020)

“WORKaDAY” poems by Grey Held, review by Eric E. Hyett in Lily Poetry Review (Issue 1, 2019)

TV Productions for Brookline Interactive Group (BIG) Community Channel:

“Telling Your Story” Season 8 Episode 1 and Episode 2

Book Launch for “Come Thunder” by Barbara Helfgott Hyett. Co-production with Joyce Kulhawik.

“The Arc Of Justice” Interviews with Local BIPOC Activists (2020-2021)